My final project is about a small boy and the fantasy worlds he constructs to play pretend in. As children we all were so easily able to construct vivid imaginary worlds to play in. A group of pillows becomes rocks which one has to precariously jump on in order to avoid the floor that has become lava and then it becomes a fetid marsh on an alien planet. A baseball is a ancient relic, then a holocube. A tennis racket becomes a laser sword and then it becomes excalibur. Drapes are alien tentacles then a dragon.
Tyler, I'll be the first to say that i like the idea a lot. It's very Calvin and Hobbs-ish, which is awesome in my book. That being said, you also have to realize that you have three, four weeks to make this, and you need to seriously condense this. It's way to complicated as is. Maybe just make there be only one imaginary environment. I just don't think all these different assets will be able to be made, then animated, then edited, all in the time you have. Condense, condense, condense.